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Yahoo offers $900 Million for Facebook
Yahoo has offered about $900 million for Facebook and says it will keep the company somewhat independent, with Mark Zuckerberg in charge.
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Keeping Up With TrendWatch
TrendWatch is a user-influenced trends gallery. Simply screengrab bits of websites or photos which show off your favourite trends and post them to the gallery via email.
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IE7 Javascript Improvements
The IEBlog recently reported some improvements in the IE7 JavaScript engine.
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Lessons From the Facebook Riots
Wired takes a look at privacy issues surrounding Facebook's new RSS feeds, and the user reaction
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Online Image Manipulation
Resizr is a simple one page image resizing tool that lets you upload a file or give a URL to the file to resize and/or rotate.
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CSS Crossfading
Mike Arace has written up a simple CSS Crossfading example which looks great.
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Introducing the Web Industry Professionals Association (WIPA)
WIPA is an association for all web professionals focusing on broader issues and objectives
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Top 8 Ajax evaluation criteria
FrontForge has created a basic list of some of the things you need to consider about AJAX implementation.
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Secure Surfing With Firefox
A tweaked version of Firefox that makes Web browsing anonymous has been released by a group of privacy-minded coders.
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Zebo: MySpace’s Freaky Rival
Zebo is a new social networking site that asks members to list what possessions they own, no kidding, and over 5 million people have signed up already!